Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Craft Fair Information - Item Drop Off

Kim will be at the Temple parking lot on 4/29 from 7:00pm to 7:15pm to accept items for the craft fair. (Temple Beth Sholom - where we normally meet)

The craft fair is on May 4th and we will be selling items to raise funds for Nimble Thimbles. It is from 10 to 3. The temple is on Rural Road between Baseline and Guadalupe. The address is 5801 S. Rural Road, Tempe, Arizona. (This is not the Temple where we normally meet.)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring Camp

Shirley selling opquilt tickets to men in the parking lot outside the sewing building. She did an amazing job. (from Martha)

Looks like lots of fun was had and lots of work got done at Spring Camp this year!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 15 Meeting - Suzie & Karen

I can't remember if it was Suzie or Karen that wore the really neat jacket to the Holiday Party last year, or maybe they both did. I remember telling Kathy they should do a program on how to make these jackets. Suzie and Karen say they are easy to make. Come to the meeting to find out how they do it!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Arizona Quilter's Hall of Fame

Maybe you have heard, or maybe not, that there is now an Arizona Quilter's Hall of Fame. They are asking for nominations from March 15 to May 15. The First Annual Induction Luncheon will be on September 28, 2008. Nomination forms are available at their website, www.arizonaquiltershalloffame.org.

An Outdoor Quilt Show - April 19th

There will be an Outdoor Quilt Show at The Farm at South Mountain on Saturday, April 19th from 9:00 to 3:00. Quilts and related items will be on display and for sale. In conjunction with this celebration, The Artist's Studio at The Farm will be hosting Marti Kellogg, a quilter from the Northwest, as a week-long 'artist in residency'. She will be offering classes in their Garden setting Studio for beginning and experienced quilters.

The Artist's Studio at The Farm at South Mountain is located in the far NW corner of The Farm: 6106 South 32nd St, Phoenix, AZ 85042. For information and to register for classes, please call The Artist's Studio at 602-268-5905.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

April 1 - Meeting at Gilbert Historical Museum

This is no April Fools joke. The first meeting in April (Tues. April 1st) will be a field trip will be a field trip to the Gilbert Historical Museum to see their quilt show. This is free and we will meet at the museum at 7pm. The museum is at 10 S. Gilbert Road on the SW corner of Gilbert and Elliot. The parking lot is accessible off of Elliot and overflow parking is available in the school parking lot next door.

Charity Quilts Project Sew-In was a great success.

Thank you, Sharon Neidigh, for being our hostess last Friday, March 28, for our Charity Quilt Project Sew-In. As you can see in these photos, we had plenty of room to do everything we set out to do for the day.
Sharon had sewing machines ready for us to use, as well as cutting mats and hot irons for pressing. Being able to sew for four hours, stopping only for lunch, was a real plus. Speaking of lunch, the pot-luck food was quite tasty and varied. The food was so good, and the sun so warm, that several of us got a little drowsy afterwards.

There were nine quilters present, including a new friend discovered by Sharon Neidigh and Delores Jenisch at the AQG quilt show. What a treat to have her join in with us for the day. Her name is Kathy O'Brien, and we look forward to seeing her at meetings when her schedule allows.

Please keep in mind that Nimble Thimbles will no longer be using the 5th Tuesday of the month for Charity Quilt sewing at our regular meeting place. Instead, we will meet in homes and/or at the Chandler Police Dept., Desert Breeze substation at 251 N. Desert Breeze Blvd. This will allow us to have a longer sewing time per meeting. We will rotate the times of our meetings so as to accommodate to our members' varied schedules.

If you would like to hostess a Charity Quilts Project Sew-In, please let us know. The date and place of the next Charity Quilts Project has not been decided yet, but we'll let you know ASAP.

Delores Jenisch