Other Programs for Members



• PUPS: Poor Unfinished Projects is an annual program with Nimble Thimbles. In July, we encourage members to bring 3 unfinished projects to a meeting and present why they are unfinished. The members vote on which project to challenge the member to finish within the next year. The following July finished projects are presented and a drawing for gift cards is awarded.

 • QUILTO: Do you like playing Bingo? Quilto is a quilting Bingo program held once a year. This is a fun evening for members to get together, play Quilto and win wonderful prizes.

• QUILTERS UNIVERSITY: Do you have a special skill or are an expert in an area? Nimble Thimbles uses our members to present small programs during a special program meeting called Quilters University. It is great opportunity to learn from each other. 

• CAMP: The camp coordinator in the past has set up a number of fun day camps including one on Zoom.  Members work on their own projects or Community Service projects, enjoy each other's company and share quilting ideas.  Updates will be done on future camps as information becomes available.