Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Let's Finish those bags - rsvp to Penny

Our Fifth Tuesday Community Service Day is April 30. We will focus on making bags for the Red Cross. Kathy O’Brien has several bags serged and ready for handles and the finishing seam around the top. We need your help getting through over 200 bags!

Please let us know if you will be able to help on April 30 (regular meeting time, 7-9 p.m.) by emailing Penny Boese at pboese@cox.net or 480-862-3129. When you RSVP, please let me know if you will bring your sewing machine, or if you need a job that doesn’t require a sewing machine. As always, we will have projects for people who are unable to bring their machines. Remember to bring all of your notions, thread, etc. Contact Penny if you have questions.-
Thanks for all you do

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