Sunday, July 19, 2009

Program Changes - July 21 and August 4

"There has been a program change for the next two meetings.

July 21, our Community Outreach Committee will be presenting a program. Delores and Jean have put together a slide show and have invited guest speakers from the recipient organizations to speak to us. Come and enjoy a review of your accomplishments for the year!

August 4 - is the new date for the Ice Cream Social. For those of you who didn't get to participate in July 7th's meeting and still want to participate in the PUP Challenge, just bring 3 unfinished projects to the meeting on August 4th and we'll pick one for you to finish by July 2010 (no, you don't get an extra month!). Laura Alexander will demo her chain piecing method for connecting-the-blocks. Bring some hand work and join us for an evening of fun.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Coming Up in July!

July 21 Meeting - We had so much fun at the July 7th meeting seeing many member's Poor Unfinished Projects and helping them choose one to finish bythe same time next year. A few people forgot to bring their projects. So, if you didn't get to participate at the July 7th meeting and you want to participate in the challenge, bring three unfinished projects to the July21st meeting and we'll chose one for you to finish by July 2010. This meeting will also be an ice cream social. That means bring some hand work and spend some time visiting with other members.

Just In from Jean - Delores and I (mostly Delores) have been working on our presentation for the July 21st meeting. Melissa from CPS will be coming to speak. Delores is also preparing a slide show of the quilts that have been donated. It should be interesting and informative.

July 19 Sew-in - Enjoy sewing in a cool space with lots of friends to chat with? Join us for part or all of the day at Desert Breeze Police Substation from 9:00am to 5:00pm. You can stop by at any time. Bring a project or projects to work on. You can bring a sack lunch or run out to a nearby place for lunch. This is a great time to get help from others on a technique or pattern that is giving you trouble. We will also have a planning meeting at 2:00 during the sew-in for the upcoming reunion meeting in October. (251 N Desert Breeze, Chandler, AZ - just north of ChandlerBlvd. between McClintock and Rural, park in the lot just north of thebuilding)

Small Quilt Auction - The small quilt auction is scheduled for October 6. Laura Harden will be our auctioneer. Now is the time to finish a small project to donate to the auction. If you have friends that like quilts,this is a great meeting to invite them to so they can bid on the quilts along with the rest of us. These quilts make great presents for the upcoming holiday season.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Community Service Quilts Update

Monday, June 29, was a very big "Quilts & Carry Bags Pick Up" day for
us. "Thank You" to Jean Nielsen for helping with preparing quilts and
bags for pick up.

Melissa Zeller, of Child Protection Services, took 26 of our quilts and
35 carry bags (Nimble Thimbles 6, and Suzie Evenstad's quilters 29).
Melissa was very excited to get the bags as her need for them has
increased and supplies have dwindled. She also took more smaller baby
quilts/blankets for use with her "little kidos," to supplement the 100
quilts recently given her by Project Linus. Melissa assures us that
EVERY item we give her is greatly appreciated and put to good use with
her kids.

Two strong men of the Chandler Fire Department gladly took two large
bags of quilts (30), most of which were made by our very own George.
When the guys saw the quilts their response was, again, "Oh, more of
those quilts!" They are already looking ahead to supplies for, can you
believe it, the coming winter.

Another stack of quilts/blankets (18) will be delivered to Project
Linus, SE Valley Chapter, at their next
Sewing Bee on Saturday, July 18 at the Gilbert Community Center. Our
quilts we've selected for Project Linus will be designated for children
in the Maricopa Medical center.
See their web page for info and a check list on items they request, and
how to prepare them:

Thank you all for the beautiful, and "beautifully useful," quilts and
carry bags you've made for children and young people in need of comfort
and specialness. We encourage you to continue to do a bit of sewing here
and there as your busy lives allow, and while you're at it, to add a bit
of experimentation with techniques, and even to teach someone else how
to sew.

Thank you all, Delores, Community Service Project Chair