Saturday, July 29, 2023

Meeting In Person: Tuesday 8/1/23 7:00-9:00pm Speaker: Debra Kay - Landscape Quilts

 Nimble Thimbles Meeting In Person

Tuesday August 1, 2023  7:00 - 9:00 pm

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

This Tuesday is our in person meeting. We will have Debra Kay presenting Landscape Quilting. She will share her process for creating these works of art.

We will set up starting at 6:00 and our meeting will start at 7:00. We meet at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church at 739 West Erie St in Chandler.

Make sure you sign up for treats if you have not yet. We all love a tasty treat! Click on the SignUp Genius link in the email from Heather to sign up.

Also, bring your show and tell items to our meeting. We look forward to being inspired by all your creative works!

Our President Heather expresses her gratitude to Kathy Krieg for another successful PUPs meeting! Also, thank you to the entire Community Service team for presenting all those quilts at the last meeting!

Friday, July 14, 2023

Meeting - In Person: Tuesday 7/18/23 7:00 - 9:00pm PUPS

 Nimble Thimbles In Person Meeting 7/18/23 7:00 - 9:00pm

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church

739 W Erie St, Chandler, AZ 85225

Our topic tonight will be PUPS (Poor Unfinished ProjectS).  Bring in your completed PUP that was chosen by the group last year and three potential PUPS for the group to vote on as your project for next year.  

In addition, we will hear from Community Service, Membership, upcoming events and Camp.

Don't forget to sign up for refreshments for our future meetings.  Check your email from our Nimble Thimbles President Heather for the link to Sign Up Genius to sign up.