Saturday, September 18, 2021

 Hi Nimble Thimbles,

Looking forward to our Zoom meeting Sept 21, 2021 7-9 p.m.
Now is your chance to learn the Secrets of the International Quilt Market. Presentation by Michelle Banton. 
Email for the zoom link.

During the meeting we will also have show and tell time. You can share your screen to share your pictures or show to the camera. 

Other Nimble Thimbles events
  • Lifeline Block of the Month. Meetings are via zoom. Check it out to see all the exciting quilts people are planning and learn more about joining the project. 
  • Small quilts are being collected for our Small Quilt Auction Oct 5. Please plan on attending and getting a head start on your holiday shopping.
  • Our president has issued a challenge for Quilts of Valor.  40 quilt donations to celebrate our 40th anniversary of our guild.
  • Next in-person camp is Saturday, October 2nd.  Cost $10.00.  Email for information.

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

 We are meeting in person tonight - September 7th - at the church.

  • Signs are being posted outside to help direct new members to the location.
  • The new air conditioning is still on order so it might be warm.  Bring your own cool drinks.
  • The church has been notified about the lights on the outside of the building.

The topic for tonight is Quilts of Valor (

Our president has chosen this as her challenge this year and this will be the kick off.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

 August 3rd Meeting

Guess what?  We are back in person at the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church on August 3rd from 7-9.

This is our annual PUP challenge.

PUP stands for Poor Unfinished Project.  Members bring 3 PUPs and the group votes on what project to challenge the member to finish in the next year.

Our members are very kind and tend to pick the easiest, almost done project.  NOPE - The members usually pick the project that has the most pieces, lost fabric, lost blocks, sewed incorrectly, and is the one project you don't want to finish.

Come and join in on the fun.  We will also be having show and tell and charity projects.

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

 Change in plans.  Our goal was to meet for our first in person meeting on July 6th.

Unfortunately, the church location was double booked and we had to revert back to Zoom.  

  • We are meeting via Zoom on July 20th.  If you need the zoom link, email Debbie at for the link.
  • On August 3rd, we will have our first in person meeting (fingers crossed) at the church.

We are so sorry for anyone that did not get notified. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2021

 Next meeting June 15th, 2021

We are still meeting on Zoom but our first in-person meeting will be July 6th.  The plan is meet once a month at the church and once a month via zoom.

For the June 15th meeting, our guest will be Nicki Hibbits. She will have a presentation about Quilt Hanging.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

 Our May 4th meeting will feature 

have been an avid quilt enthusiast, teacher, lecturer and long-arm quilter for over 40 years and would love to share my quilting journey with you. I'm ready to offer a Zoom lecture/trunk show or workshops to your guild or

Panel Palooza

As seen on

Take that panel you fell in love with and turn it into something truly unique. Square up your selections, add interesting block treatments and borders and fill those pesky open spaces with patchwork or applique to create a really special quilt.

Monday, April 5, 2021

 Our next meeting on 4/6 will feature Heidi Pridemore from Whimsical Workshop discussion Auriful threads.

If you would like the zoom information, please contact Debbie Ament at

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

 February 16th meeting

Join us for a presentation by Kathy O'Brien on Stash Management. How to make the most with what you have and applying those principles to the new patterns for community service. 

We will also discuss the upcoming pin cushion challenge and the virtual spring retreat.

Spend some time with your fellow quilters tonight.

Monday, February 1, 2021


Welcome to February, Nimble Thimbles.

Our next meeting is tomorrow, February 1.

6:15 – Block of the week sharing

6:45-7:00 – Member connection

7:00 – Start of meeting


Program – Our featured speaker is Lyric Kinard with a program on Quilting Portraits.  From her website (, My goal as an artist is to remind humanity of the strength it possesses. In a world where too often, the images we feed ourselves are full of violence and fear, I strive to uplift. In a many layered process I gather intriguing materials both old and new. I marvel as plain cloth is transformed as it absorbs dye and paint. The meditative process of mark making with thread allows me to truly see and understand my materials and physically connect with my subject. Slowly order emerges from disarray, beauty from chaos.

Other business information –

·         Exciting new upcoming challenge from Melissa

·         Announcement about Spring camp

·         Update on board positions for 2021/2022

·         Presidents Challenge

·         Member highlight

·         And Show and tell. 

Contact for the ZOOM link.