Tuesday 4/17 we will be treated to a presentation by the
Featherweight Doctor. You may have seen their booth at the AQG show. Learn more
about featherweight history, their resurgence, and new products available to
utilize these compact little workhorses.
Also pick up the sweet Pansy pattern for the block of the
month- Thanks Bev. Blocks are due the first meeting in May.
During our last meeting, we were fortunate to have many
willing members step forward to offer their names to the leadership ballot. All
positions for 2018-19 year have candidates! Thank You!!! (Whoop! Whoop!)
We will have an official vote at Tuesday's meeting. Looking
forward to another great year! We can always use additional hands. If you feel
like you missed a chance to help, please see me with your interest. I would
love to help you get connected!