Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Merry Quilting: Nimble Thimbles Holiday Party

Nimble Thimbles Holiday Party
Tuesday , December 14, 2010
At 6:00pm
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
739 W. Erie ST

Please bring show and tell to hang for all to see and enjoy. We will also be collecting white goods, crayons and coloring books for the residents of My Sister’s Place.

Don’t forget to bring your President’s Friendship Challenge project to share with the group.
And it is the last month for Block Party…so don’t forget your blocks to turn in.
See you Tuesday

It's the end of the year and time to turn in Charity Quilts!

If members have any charity quilts finished, please bring them to the holiday party on Tuesday, December 14th. We are close to the goal of 200 quilts for the year and would appreciate your help. Thanks for all your dedication to the Community Outreach projects.