Monday, December 14, 2009

Calling for all end-of-the-year quilts!

We are planning on delivering about 40 more quit ls next weekend, some to each of our three recipient groups: Chandler Fire Department, Project Linus, and Child Protective Services. This will put our total given for the 2009 year at 170.

We also have a few Carry Bags ready for Child Protective Services, where they are highly favored and much in demand. Melissa says that the ones we make are absolutely the best because they hold more and are well made.

If you can have any more quilts or bags ready by next Saturday, noon, please contact either Delores or Jean so we can add them to the stack for Christmas. Thank you for joining in and making this year a great one for "Charity Quilt Show and Tell". We've enjoyed seeing each one of the them.

Thank you, thank you, thank you ... for giving comfort to the children.